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Learn to feel

Do you want to learn to feel (better)? In this 1-on-1 session I will teach you step by step how to connect with your body to learn to feel more and you will receive all the tools you need to apply this in your daily life.

Juliette: "After the 1-on-1 session with Anne, I notice that I am less afraid to feel emotions. When I experienced guilt this week, I dared to really feel it for the first time and funny enough it went away afterwards. I alsp have the feeling my heart opened more."


Many clients tell me during a healing that they would like to learn how to feel better and learn how to get in touch with their emotions in a way that feels safe for them. There is so much wisdom in feeling. Our body gives signals the moment something does or doesn't feel right, when we experience emotions or what our heart tells us and what makes us happy. The body has so much wisdom within it, how nice it is if you feel connected to this wisdom and if you can benefit from it?


Being able to feel is wonderful to use as a tool to take good care of yourself. Do you want to learn to feel (better)? In this 1-on-session I will teach you step by step how to make contact with your body to learn to feel more. You will not only learn it, but you will also experience what that connection with your body feels like. We can feel so much if we give it our attention; from physical sensations and aches in the body, to (hidden) emotions and to feeling your boundaries and intuition.​ ​


We are taught to attach great value to the head/thoughts and to analyze and rationalize things. As a result, we regularly forget how to stay in touch with our feelings. In this session, we will work together to restore the connection with your body. I will teach you practical exercises and you will receive the tools to apply this in your daily life. Afterwards, you will receive a guided meditation and digital guide, so that you can apply, what we have practiced together, at home. This way, you will reconnect with yourself.

€155,- for 1,5 hours + a guided meditation (audio file) & digital guide 

Are you interested in the Online Workshop: From thinking to feeling? The next workshop is on Wednesday, February 19th. You will learn:

  • switching from mind to body

  • to safely connect with yourself

  • to feel more

  • develop body awareness and embodiment

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