Energy healing (TTC)
You are welcome in my practice with mental, physical and/or emotional issues. For example: fears and insecurities, not feeling well, stress, burn-out symptoms, traumatic events, (chronic) pain, not being able to breathe properly, not being able to feel properly, old patterns/blockages that you are up against, problems with your hips, stomach, throat and/or heart area, etc. The complaints always have a cause and in a healing I work on the origin of this. In the origin I bring about energetic change, so that this can continue to work on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Healings also ensure that you progress in the process you are in at that moment.

​​During a healing I let energy flow through your physical and energetic body. This energy clears blockages along the way that it encounters, for example old traumas, repressed emotions and stress. The best thing about energetic treatments is that you do not have to relive a trauma to let go of it. In this session the wisdom of your body is used. My clairsentience ensures that I can feel your energetic system in my body, to feel what I can work on. I also receive information through my clairaudience. Sometimes this is information that is meant for you, and sometimes it tells me what the blockage in the energy flow is caused by. In addition, I also work with light language in my healings; sounds and tones with specific energetic frequencies. These frequencies work on your subconscious and on a soul level, it reprograms on a DNA level so that you can let go of the old and change is initiated from the core of your being.
During a healing you can feel physical sensations, such as heat, cold or tingling. Emotions can also come up or your body can start moving by itself to release the energy. Of course I will coach you through this. Each session is different for each client, depending on what you need at that moment. This form of healing is also very suitable for children (at different rates). This energy gently dissolves blockages of traumas.
Additional explanation about our energetic system: Our emotions, physical body and thoughts are all connected to each other and are connected to our energetic field (aura, energy channels and chakras) and our spiritual field. An example: If we suppress our emotions, the energy remains in our physical body, it affects the flow of our chakras and all kinds of physical complaints can arise. Everything is connected. In an energetic healing/TTC healing (Talking to the Chakras) we will bring movement to this, so that the complaints decrease and you feel better about yourself again.
Healing is a process. Keep in mind that you will benefit more from it
if you do multiple sessions.
€155 for a 1,5 - 1,75 hours session
€115 for a 1 hour session (only for returning clients)
these rates only apply to private individuals